A year without you....

2011 January 08

Created by Patti Wright 9 years ago
Darling, I'm completely baffled as to how we have managed to live a year without you. It seems like only a heartbeat since we were all together, but it's also been the longest and toughest year of our lives. We miss you desperately, but your presence and influence is a crucial part of our day to day. I hear your voice as you have watched Joe and Tom grow up so much this year,and celebrated their triumphs; ranted royally about the "Demolition" Government, raised a glass to the England Team on the Ashes victory, drowned our sorrows on the fortunes of West Ham and Liverpool and pulled a few strings to get Plan B to number 1!! You know I could go on and on (you know I still do!!) But your legacy is wonderful and all of the love and the time and the care that you gave, personally and professionally, has come back to Tom, Joe and I, to Mina, Brian and Zena and to Chris and Sally, manyfold over the last 12 months. You live on in our thoughts, our actions and our aspirations and that will never change. We love you and carry you with us, always. Your Patti x